Articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals:
Gerakaris, V., Varkitzi, I., Orlando-Bonaca, M., Kikaki, K., Mozetič, P., Lardi, P.I., Tsiamis, K. and France, J., 2022. Benthic-pelagic coupling of marine primary producers under different natural and human-induced pressures’ regimes. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, p.909927.
Kalaentzis, K., Kazilas, C., Strachinis, I., Tzoras, E. and Lymberakis, P., 2023. Alien Freshwater Turtles in Greece: Citizen Science Reveals the Hydra-Headed Issue of the Pet Turtle Trade. Diversity, 15(5), p.691.
Kondylatos, G., Mavrouleas, D., Gratsia, E., Kasapidis, P., Corsini-Foka, M. and Klaoudatos, D., 2023. First record of Arcania brevifrons Chen, 1989 (Decapoda; Leucosiidae) and further record of Macrophthalmus (Macrophthalmus) indicus Davie, 2012 (Decapoda; Macrophthalmidae) in Hellenic waters. BioInvasions Records, 12(1), pp.234-244.
Litsi‐Mizan, V., Efthymiadis, P.T., Gerakaris, V., Serrano, O., Tsapakis, M. and Apostolaki, E.T., 2023. Decline of seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) production over two decades in the face of warming of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. New Phytologist, 239(6), pp.2126-2137.
Malliouri, D.I., Petrakis, S., Vandarakis, D., Kikaki, K., Hatiris, G.A., Gad, F.K., Panagiotopoulos, I.P. and Kapsimalis, V., 2022. The Role of Sea State to the Morphological Changes of Prasonisi Tombolo, Rhodes Island, Greece. Water, 14(13), p.2016.
Malliouri, D.I., Petrakis, S., Vandarakis, D., Moraitis, V., Goulas, T., Hatiris, G.A., Drakopoulou, P. and Kapsimalis, V., 2023. A Chronology-Based Wave Input Reduction Technique for Simulations of Long-Term Coastal Morphological Changes: An Application to the Beach of Mastichari, Kos Island, Greece. Water, 15(3), p.389.
Malliouri, D.I., Moraitis, V., Petrakis, S., Vandarakis, D., Hatiris, G.A. and Kapsimalis, V., 2023. A Non-Stationary and Directional Probabilistic Analysis of Coastal Storms in the Greek Seas. Water, 15(13), p.2455.
Skarsoulis, E.K., Piperakis, G., Prospathopoulos, A. and Makropoulos, D., 2023. Prediction of Shipping Noise in Range-Dependent Environments. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(2), p.290.
Stipcich, P., Beca-Carretero, P., Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., Apostolaki, E.T., Chartosia, N., Efthymiadis, P.T., Jimenez, C.E., La Manna, G., Pansini, A., Principato, E. and Resaikos, V., 2023. Effects of high temperature and marine heat waves on seagrasses: Is warming affecting the nutritional value of Posidonia oceanica?. Marine environmental research, 184, p.105854.
Vandarakis, D., Panagiotopoulos, I.P., Loukaidi, V., Hatiris, G.A., Drakopoulou, P., Kikaki, A., Gad, F.K., Petrakis, S., Malliouri, D.I., Chatzinaki, M. and Morfis, I., 2021. Assessment of the coastal vulnerability to the ongoing sea level rise for the exquisite Rhodes Island (SE Aegean Sea, Greece). Water, 13(16), p.2169.
Vandarakis, D., Malliouri, D., Petrakis, S., Kapsimalis, V., Moraitis, V., Hatiris, G.A. and Panagiotopoulos, I., 2023. Carrying Capacity and Assessment of the Tourism Sector in the South Aegean Region, Greece. Water, 15(14), p.2616.
Zirler, R., Schmidt, L.M., Roth, L., Corsini-Foka, M., Kalaentzis, K., Kondylatos, G., Mavrouleas, D., Bardanis, E. and Bronstein, O., 2023. Mass mortality of the invasive alien echinoid Diadema setosum (Echinoidea: Diadematidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Royal Society Open Science, 10(5), p.230251.
Articles posted in conference proceedings:
Apostolaki E et al 2022 Blue Carbon Stocks in Seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) Meadows of the South Aegean Region. Presented at MIWRS22.
Dailianis Th et al 2022 Exploratory Baseline Survey of Cave Habitats within a Marine Protected Area in the Aegean Sea. Presented at 3MSCDH22.
Kytinou E et al 2023 Degraded east Aegean shallow rocky reefs – an ecological status assessment using the ecosystem-based reef-EBQI index. Presented at ECSD22.
Louizidou P 2022 A Detailed Examination of Algae Species from a Coralligenous Site of Rhodes Island (Dodecanese, Greece). Presented at MIWRS22.
Louizidou P et al 2022 The Finding of the Minute Chromophyte Algae SCHIZOCLADIA NE Coast of Rhodes. Presented at MIWRS22.
Makropoulos D et al 2022 Deep Learning for Detection and Classification of Sperm Whale and Striped Dolphin Biacoustic Patterns. Presented at MIWRS22.
Makropoulos D et al 2023 Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for the Classification of Cetacean Bioacoustic Patterns. Presented at ICAASSP23.
Petrakis S et al 2022 The Modern Tombolos of Greece – Morphometric Characteristics and Multidecadal Evolution. Presented at MIWRS22.